Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Being the better person...

For 2012, I decided that my new year's resolution would be to keep everything simple. Knowing my love for drama, this will most likely remain a resolution or there will some poorly executed attempts happening here and there. Since I am most likely to fail with my resolution, I listed a few things which in the coming year will try to approach in a mature and calm manner as much as possible.  Here are a few things which normally irritate me, but will choose to ignore in the coming year. Yes, I will try to be the better person during encounters with:

1. Immigration Officers who act as if they were trained to be disrespectful to tourists. Either they are underpaid or overworked, I have had several encounters with these people and I will make sure to ignore and smile the next time they do one of their antics.

2. Arrogant Filipino-Chinese who act like they own public places just because they're rich or they happen to own the dependable "botika" where we get our meds. Don't get the wrong idea, I have Chinese friends, and I have seen a lot of decent Chinese people, but there are just some who need lessons on etiquette. Just because your hardware supplies the nails used to put my house together doesn't mean you don't wait for your turn when we are at the spa (no pun intended, this is based on my personal experiences and not on Fil Chi community in general). 

3. Cebu Pacific Air - yes, I am a traveller on budget, and while at it, I will ignore them as much as I can. When I am richer, I will just choose not to get their services, but for now, "tiis muna sa kanila".

4. Salesladies - I know I have a tendency to get upset when they come back with the wrong items, they don't pay attention, wear too much make up, they don't do their jobs properly; but I also understand how difficult it is to be doing what they do, and next time, I will definitely keep that into consideration. 

5. Drunk Koreans, I am not a racist ok? but I am pretty sure we all had a share of encounters with these Koreans, they either spilled their drink on you, stepped on your toes on the way out of the bar, grabbed you to dance with them. Again, this is not something against all Koreans, just those in our country who drink beyond what they should and act inappropriately. 

Happy New Year Everyone! A blessed 2012 to all of us. 

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